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The Way They See Us is directed by Mariah Proctor and is about a girl Alexis, who is trying to impress a guy named Wes. Alexis is an aspiring actress who is wanting her big break, and also for Wes to fall in love with her.

Everything that actually happens in this movie is happening off camera. What you do see is all filmed inside Alexis’s car, where she’s either reciting lines for her next audition or talking to herself about Wes, it’s all with the camera never leaving her Toyota Prius.We never actually see the moments but have to decipher the events due to the characters reactions. The camera never goes into those auditions with Alexis, It never follows her and Wes when they leave the car at the most critical moment in the film.

Overall, “The Way They See Us” is about recognizing ones one self worth. Recognizing our individual strength and value is a powerful tool that help anyone overcome those moments of heartbreak and give us the strength to continue on.

The shots are framed well and there are a couple jokes in the movie that made me smile. Making a film is incredibly difficult, and I admire the courage and effort it took to get this made.