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The Novice is a short animated film created by Courtney Scriven and Alejandra Alvarez. The Director of the movie made an inspirational story film through animation which radiates lots of good values. The story is also equipped with lots of comedy and that enables the viewers to stay on the film till the end. 

The character of the young monk which is a novitiate of a certain temple is well played because from the start it will definitely catch the attention of the person watching the film. It is an effective example of a movie for it allows viewer to stay focused on the movie from start to finish without having the thought of leaving it. In reality, we all need to get through the stage of being a novice and this is one of the messages that the creator wants the viewers to grasp about their film. 

As the story progress, the young monks experience series of mishaps during the time of meditation. With the on-going battle, the incident led to a much bigger problem wherein the much guarded item awakens the spirit of the dragon. The ancient dragon makes all the necessary disturbances on the novice so that his attention can be ruined. Due to the recent activity, the young monk tries to go deeper in concentrating on how the series of unfortunate events can be turned to normal. 

The animated short film brings a lot of humor since the beginning of the story and this enables the viewer to be emotionally attached at once. The Novice is not just a short animated film for entertaining; it is also a kind of movie wherein the person who will watch it can learn tons of lessons in life. It radiates the values of patience and determination for it gives us the message that in anything that we do and if have those values, then we can accomplish greater things in life. 

Putting in good brand of comedy in the story is a good strategy made by the director as it makes the movie a lot more interesting to watch. Comedy combined with good animation will surely bring in a lot of attention from the movie viewers. This strategy is not dull and boring. It will make the viewers want to finish the movie without getting bored. The creators of this short film have definitely thought of a good move as they are able to make an interesting film that will not just entertain viewers but also inject some good lessons and values in it. 

The Novice is one short animated film that we can watch and choose over the entire loads of film in the industry. It is a good choice when it comes to motivating people on how they can complete something with regards to their goals. The storyline allows viewers to contemplate on how they can focus in achieving things in life with proper determination. Generally, the film can be recommended to all ages especially the children or young ones as it will give them lessons which they can carry as they grow up.