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Ninaad Kulkarni, a filmmaker from Mumbai crafted the 3D animated documentary film entitled KCLOC. This film is all about the perception of different kinds of people in relation to time. It is a well-documented and 3D animated film which catches the attention of viewers easily. The story focuses on the variety of interviews from people which asked them about time perception. It clearly states that each one of us has a definition about time. It is just a matter of how we use and interpret it in our lives. 

The director uses animated people with different kinds of clocks that represent their head. This is a good illustration on how we understand the importance of time. Because of the fantastic animation that the director has crafted, people can easily understand the message of the film which is to be imparted to the viewers. 

Time is a platform for all possibilities for as movement cannot be possible without time. This is one of the answers that came up from the film and it is a reality that we face each day. Another one states that without time, we cannot feel anything. It is a deeper quote but makes sense in a lot of ways especially in real lives. 

As the film moves along, we can see that the director has indicated different models of clocks through the face or head of the people and it is accompanied with an interview that represents their answers by other symbols. This kind of 3D animated idea makes viewers to stay from the start until the story reaches the end. It also gives them the feeling of excitement of what comes next in relation to the well-crafted pictures that symbolizes time.

The movie strongly states the importance of time in the lives of a human being. It clearly shows that we cannot survive without the creation of time. From a day to day living, time is a big part of our daily routine. Different generations must know the significance of time for it teaches us some of the greatest lessons in life. Yes, we cannot turn back time but we can choose to use it wisely by planning properly so that we will not have any regrets on the decision that we made for our future. 

KCLOC is a well-shaped 3D animated documentary film that can be suggested to be viewed for all walks of life. It will give a meaningful realization to people on how they can manage well the time given to them. It will also change their point of view about their existing definition of time regarding their daily activities for their future plans. I must say that this film is something that viewers can use for their life’s reflections for there are some instances in life that we need to pause and reflect if we are still on the right track. What does time mean to you? This is one question that we kept asking and probably by watching the film, we can somehow find the answers that we are looking in life.

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