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J.L. Wolfenstein’s short sci-fi film entitled Departure is one of a kind masterpiece in the category as well as in the industry. The story is very well fashioned and the viewers will surely have a thrilling feeling from the start of the movie. It will give your heart a pumping sensation as you go along watching the film until the end. 

Boris Haladjian and Thibault Csukonyi the ones in-charge of the music give the movie a superb edge over the others. They created an environment wherein the viewer’s attention can easily be caught through the nerve thrilling sounds and music of the film. I must say that the music that was inserted is the key essential of the film in making it a one of a kind sci-fi masterpiece. 

The lady character which was played by Mathilde Plas Nicolas has excellent acting. The actress did her homework by giving the audience the needed acting that blended smoothly with the story. She played the role as if it is real. Although there is a language barrier, the director put in subtitle so that people who are watching can understand the movie properly. Even though there is this kind of situation, we cannot really notice it because the movie itself can be clearly understood by movie viewers. 

Departure, the title can be interpreted in so many ways, but as you watch the film, there is one perception that you can conclude and that is life after death. As you go along with the story, there is this white light that the actress must prevent from being exposed with. In the situation, she has no choice but to interact with the white light and after that she turned into a cat. Because of it, the director clearly wants to transmit a message that when the time comes and we must leave our world. There is a possibility that we might be reborn in a different form like an animal. Reincarnation also clearly radiates the flow of the movie and this message is the one that the film is transmitting to its audience. 

The cool effects of this thrilling sci-fi film added new heights to the movie. It can show that good effects can move movie watchers to stay on watching until the end of the show. There is no dull moment but pure excitement for we know that there something to expect within the next scene on the movie. The audience upon watching the film can say that it is not just a pure sci-fi movie like the others, but rather they will realize that it is equipped with so much life lessons that we can reflect on. 

Overall, the movie is an excellent one in terms of its category. It is a must see short sci-fi film for viewers to watch and enjoy for its thrilling twist and turns during the different scenes of the story. We can never tell when our time to depart will be but we can believe that there is still life after it.