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Director Letitia Lamb and Vivien Mason made a splendid short film animation that can tackle positive output in life. A Girl Needs a Bike is a simple movie but with a deeper meaning on it. It seems to be that it is just an ordinary movie, but as you go along with the story, audience will realize that life offers and gives a lot.

The lead character from the start seems to do whatever that she wants. This is one indication that she really knows on how to achieve the dreams and goals that she set. The bike is a big part of her life. It even occurs to her that the life she is living goes around with bikes. Pursuing her dreams to the other place obviously gives a smile on her face. At first it is hard for her to adjust due to the environment of the place. But as she get familiar with everything, then the true mission starts by teaching people on how to ride a bike. There is this one instance that a young girl is struggling to learn riding a bike, what she did is she motivated and give her hope. The next day, a positive outcome was clearly seen. The young girl did really learn to ride a bike and she gave the reward due to her.

The movie tells us that in life, we can do whatever that we want but with limitation. For a start, it is important to set a goal without compromising things that can leave your love ones behind. Next is that in whatever things that we do always bear in mind that we can always be a beacon of hope to the people around us. For you, it might not be that important, but a simple act of kindness to people means a lot to them.

The film is a good example for all people or viewers for there this scene that we need to take seriously. Gender equality is one issue that is needed to be address properly. As we can see in the movie, the women are the ones to take task at home but the men are the ones enjoying other things. This goes for everything in real life, we should be aware that men and women can do the same thing for they are both humans. They are created equal in the eyes of the Supreme Being. No human being should be treated less in life for everyone deserves a better future.

The movie in totality is an outstanding one, simple but with class and full of life’s lesson. Reality is one key that the director has incorporated with the film that is why the final output is a quality one. More and more viewers should watch this kind of film. It is worth every minute of their time. And more people should create this kind of movie for the welfare of the industry and the society.