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Hearing the title, Slumberous, I thought that it was about someone who can’t stop herself from sleeping too much because of lethargy or someone who gets killed in her sleep. So, when I watched it and found out that it was actually about a woman who is having so much trouble sleeping, I thought, ‘Woah, this film is such a paradox.’ That really caught my attention.

I think this film subtly describes how someone with schizophrenia is trying to live a normal life. Unfortunately, her thoughts make her feel alone and trapped. She is doing her best just to stop the voices in her head. Inevitably, her restlessness has made her do unimaginable things. But as someone who is only watching her struggle, are we really one to judge if whether or not has she gone too far? 

The film started with an eerie mood and setting. It has given me the chills to my bones. Even the camera shots are done in a way that makes me somehow anticipate a scare like someone will show up while the woman wasn’t looking. I’d like to specify that the trampoline scene and the scene’s dark or limited lighting were a good addition to the mystery in the film. This repeated element made me wonder about the mental state of the protagonist and worry about why she hasn’t been sleeping as she is clearly stressed out. 

Even the short and limited dialogue in this film is also very mysterious and has greatly contributed to the goal of the film to make the viewers hooked by making us wonder what is really wrong with the protagonist. The musical score is chilling and thrilling enough. For me, the musical director of this film is awesome. While watching the film, I was always looking out for a shocker that might make my heart skip a beat. 

The way that the ending dialogue was left hanging was so gripping that I think I’m going to have trouble sleeping the night after I watched the film. (Haha!) The overall cinematography and screenplay of the film were ideal. I really loved the plot and the twist of the story. In just a few minutes, the storyline was well-established with an interesting ending. All the other elements in the film worked well together. The title, the film’s introduction, the problem and the ending of the film are all catchy and well-thought of. This film is a very commendable work of the writer/s, director, and everyone in the crew. 

There are, actually, a few reminders that I was able to catch from the film. First off, that this is what it’s like for some people with mental illness. They will try to reach out by making late night phone calls but they wouldn’t be able to completely share or convey what they are struggling with because they are afraid of being judged and/or ridiculed. So, if you know someone like that, just be patient, understanding, and empathetic towards that person.

Overall, Slumberous is a very well made film and I highly recommend watching the film when it comes to a festival near you!