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Creepy, scary and a whole lot more of pumping emotions, and this all because of the short film entitled “Shutter”. Aaron Hurt the director of the film has done a tremendous job in catching the attention of the target viewers. He created a short story line but with a quality of creativity that can move the people from their seat.

The story of the short film is all about a guy who is into a photography hobby and makes his craft his ordinary into an extraordinary one. He sees the beauty of an ordinary item and when he engaged them into his photography the image has been given a new life and meaning. During the course of the story, there are scenes that will make the audience to cover their eyes for the next thing that will happen. Yes, thrilling incidents are part of the film and for sure it will make you jump off from your seat when you discovered the things that are behind the lens of the camera. During the whole part of the film, the viewers will surely get excited on what will the lead character would discover more from his photography hobby.

The sound and lighting effects give more chills to everyone that will seat down and watch the short film. The main character has done a good job when it comes to scenes of the scary part. You can see that the acting and emotions are fully in tacked as if it is happening behind you. It is realistic and there will ever come a part wherein you have to think twice in going to the bathroom alone. This is how effective the director has created the movie. There is always a rush feeling that anytime something more scary and creepy will occur in the film.

The movie is based on the latest trend which is the hobby of photography. This is now popular to the entire world due to the help of new technology and development to the industry. There is different software that are being introduced to the market that can help people in editing or enhancing their photograph. Although photography is famous, we cannot help and ask the question, what is really behind the lens that we can capture unintentionally? This might sound spine-chilling to ever one but believe or not we live in a world where there are things that we cannot explain. What to do? Where to begin? It is up to you on how you will treat this incident but just always remember that whatever things that you will see or notice that are unusual than the normal, always respect them or better offer a prayer. That is the best thing that we can do, and please do not disturb them for they do no harm to us.

The short film is a good one. It is effective in a sense that it can make the viewer’s feel that they are part of the story.