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A heart-warming film directed by Brandon Jameson, “Pearl” is a movie filled with positivity and love. It is a fashion made film and the director has done a marvellous job in doing it. It is not your typical fairy tale themed movie; rather it is crated with so much love and passion. The story of the film has been properly thought about where in there are no negative scenes or moment which gives the viewers a feeling of having a good day after they have watch the movie. This is not an easy way to do especially when producing a film. Most of the time, the director for them to be able to transmit or impart the message to their audience they will make a twist and turns in the story including a negative scenes. This is done so that people watching the movie will not have a hard time in understanding the whole story.

The creativity and cinematography that has been used in the movie is an exceptional one. Although there are no fancy effects, still you can notice that the film is colourful and lively during the whole course of the movie. I must say that the sound effect is simple but elegant in the way is has been delivered along with the scenes. It always compliments happy moments during the start until the end of the movie. With it, the audience will have a good reason to sit down and finish a quality movie that is given to them.

The lead actress which is the grandmother has portrayed properly her role in the movie. She became so effective that the viewers will see her as a role model to all of those that can watch her. It is the pure acting with love that makes the movie a very classical one. The very light touch of the director that has been implemented in the movie has done superb effects to the output of the film. We cannot always say that a good movie is needed to be completed unless all the people who worked for it will be given a chance to continue working about the theme of the movie. Although it might sound a little bit of burden on the side of the administrator, but the main purpose is to have a high quality of film that can be aired in the whole world.

Pearl, it is a good source in the fashion industry; the granddaughter in the movie has been given a chance to prove themselves on how much they love their mentor. The movie also advises us to go and work properly without the expense of putting up a big risk. For me, I can say that it is a feel good movie that can lighten the daily lives of all those who watched the movie. This is a good film to watch for the people around the world.