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Scarlett-Angelina is a short comedy film under the director Lorette Bayle. Our director loves to work with a virtual story teller theme kind of movie. Working with 3D visual effect and on-set stunt coordinator made it her first on the field of directing. It is a kind of short comedy film that can be related to the famous movie blockbuster Dennis the Menace.

Young actress Madison Calderon who plays the role of Scarlett-Angelina has done a very good job on her acting scenes. She properly delivered her lines and giving the character she portrays an extra-ordinary performance that could make the audience smile and laugh on their seats. On the other hand, Ralph the driver and the one who kidnapped the little which is played by Leif Gantvoort has made sure that his comedy acting performance will jive smoothly with the leading actress. Both of them have carried away what the story and the director would like to see on the final output of the movie. They have done a tremendous tandem which could lead them to future roles on other movie. The chemistry that they show and have can be evidently seen that as if they are already working together for a very long time. This is one important key in having a good movie, wherein your actors and actresses should have a good working relationship which could give the film a superb outcome.

One thing that I have noticed is the storyline; the writer is indeed a genius in developing the story for there is no dull moment from the start until the end of the movie. As an audience I always have the feeling that if you mess with the young actress from the movie, it will bounce back to you three times. The unfortunate events that had happened to the kidnapper will make laugh even more because as if the bad deeds that he does is coming back to him right away. The twist and turn of the story which comes in the end will make you smile even more. The moment that the little girl has transformed into some wild creature during the night time has made me clap my hands and say, oh no the bad guy is so busted.

The 3D visual effect is a good one for a first timer. It has been implemented appropriately and can be lined to some of the blockbuster movie in the mainstream. When it comes to the musical score and other music related matters, the director has suitably inserted the right kind of music to every scene which blended accurately making the audience attention to be caught accordingly.

Overall, I must say that the short comedy film will go a long way if it will heat the main market. I also suggest that they can make it a web series or feature movie for it has a promising story that can surely hit the audience. Having a short comedy film like this one is something that the industry must produce more because it will be a simple relief to the movie goers. As they always say “laughter is the best medicine”.