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As I watch the suspense thriller movie “ Vilsen” by director Rasmus Tirzitis I cannot find the exact word that will describe it. The film is good, better and best in different aspects. It will give you all the feelings and emotions that an award winning piece could deliver.

First let us talk about the characters and the actors that played them. The lead actor and actress have done a classical act making sure that every scene that they have done will carved a memory to the viewers. All the other cast have work out their roles and assignments that give the movie an excellence output that it needed.

Suspense surrounded every act that you will come to see, but there is even more exciting part when a mystery is introduce in film. The time that they place the serial killer, everyone will be puzzled and thrilled on who does all the ritual killing. It will surely give you chills for there are instances that the director did not hold cut any scenes of the bloody victim and the way they have been slaughtered. It fascinates me that the writer has a chance to include a supernatural theme in the movie. This gives the film a more exciting segment for the twist and turns will happened on that part. Spoilers? I don’t think so, it is better for the viewing public to see the movie from the beginning until the end. All I can say that this movie deserves to have another sequel due to the ingenious effort of the director and the whole crew.

The setting and the location of the film is fabulous, this also goes with the production creating an excellent props like the knife that is being use by the killer in carving the victims. The surrounding music is noticeable that sometimes it does jive on the changing of scenes in the movie, but this is just a minimal issue and can be corrected right away. Detective Lidman, the leading character and the other police officers in the film must find all the needed clues and help in order to track down the killer. There is even an incident that the whole city is going on a panicked mode. Citizens are on the street, electricity is cut of and when this happens many people are afraid of the dark and because of it they do strange things.

The occult themed movie has some of the great shocking revelation in the end. The element of surprise and other action related parts are jam packed of goodies that our viewers will surely love. It will make you say “Oh goodness, I never thought of that”. The ending will surely give the audience the worth kind of movie that they have been looking for.