Time Heals All Wounds

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Time Heals All Wounds tells us about a young guy who is regretting his actions that resulted for him to lose the girl he really likes. There are a lot of very deep movies around with the same concept as this one, but this film really caught my attention for a lot of important reasons.

First, the film is very relatable in all aspects because it captured a lot of everyday things like hanging out with a long-time friend, meeting and dating someone you like, pursuing art in any form such as film or photography, and how sometimes even what seems to be so mundane can become a reason for everything to get complicated. The story line is simple and easy to follow but can make you think deeply about life at the same time.

I’m impressed with the young cast and how they are able to portray their characters. I know the roles aren’t heavy ones but they were able to express their emotions and carry out the dialogues in a way that show the viewers that those emotions and feelings are valid. I felt sad for Jack because it wasn’t really his fault, but he lost two people- his best friend and his girlfriend. Plus, Emma’s parents hate him now. I hated how Andrew seemed to not realize the depth of his mistake. He did not even apologize. But as a woman, I could really relate to Emma. I could relate to her with how she made Jack feel special by telling him that he already earned her trust. For me, this is the greatest way to show someone your affection- by trusting that person. That was why it was not also that easy to forgive him.

Another impressive aspect in this film is that everything was shot using an Iphone 6s. I also loved the musical score that I kept watching until the post credits just to listen to the background music, which is how I found out that the director just used an iphone for this. The screenplay, the editing, the production, and the cinematography exceed expectations. So, I want to commend the whole crew for an amazing output using very limited resources.

Also, I love this film so much because it actually evoked in me the consequences when you easily trust someone you really like. You become comfortable right away and show parts of your personality that you don’t usually just show to people you just met. Sometimes, it is a mistake to trust that person easily, and sometimes, it’s the people around him/her whom you cannot really trust. We have to remember that this is not always our fault. It is not right to blame ourselves for opening up and loving someone so much.

As they say, trust takes years to build, seconds to break, and forever to repair. So if you know that someone trusts you, cherish that person. Time may be able to heal any wound, but the scar will remain which makes it impossible to return things the way they used to be.