No Friends But The Mountains

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No Friends but the Mountain is an incredible documentary by Kae Bahar. It is a very inspiring film about the struggle and efforts of the Kurdistan people to end the terror of Isis and also the advocacy of Kae Bahar to unite the citizen to find peace and independence of Kurdistan. His efforts root from childhood, because at a very young age he was already exposed to the chaos of war in the middle east, but his passion or film enables him to speak up, step up and show the world that aside from Iran, Turkey, Syria, and Iraq there is the region of Kurdistan.

This documentary film is an eye-opener. It brought us the real insights of the victims of the terror in the Middle East, the effects that it had brought upon women, men, and children who are experiencing these terrors from different dictators for almost a hundred years. It showed us the struggle of the people, the trauma of the horrors that they have witnessed, the pain of losing a loved one, and the loss of hope for a better future. This film captured real story of people from different parts of the Middle East trapped in the never-ending war of terrorism and in search of refuge in Kurdistan.

Through this film, Kae Bahar brought the real situation of what is happening in the midst of the war against Isis. How huge countries that play major roles in this war contributes bigger problems to the people rather than providing them with long-term solutions. He also exhibits the efforts to end terrorism from different factions of people in Kurdistan. These occurrences and efforts that aren’t shown in the international media blind the whole world of what is truly happening in these nations. Kae Bahar’s advocacy to find peace for Kurdistan and all the people seeking refuge in this is truly admirable and inspiring. He was able to show that these people are just like anyone of us, they want peace and better future, but because of what has been happening in the middle east, they are all being type cast and discriminated when they search refuge in other foreign countries. This film’s goal is to inform the whole world that they don’t want to leave their homeland, they don’t want meaningless deaths, and most especially they don’t want war, what they need from these huge countries is to help them create and secure a better nation for people who don’t want to get involved in these wars.

Aside from Kae Bahar’s mission to deliver the real score in Kurdistan, he also showed us the treasured locations in Kurdistan and the efforts of this region to become a developed despite the danger of terror caused by Isis. They strongly believe that one day all of these terrors will cease to exist and Isis will fall but Kurdistan will continue to rise.

No Friends but the Mountains is an exquisite film beyond words. It gave me an unexplainable experience through watching this fim. This is high caliber documentary truly award-winning and deserving of recognition worldwide, I hope that the cause of this film also reaches the people who have the power to help and change the current situation of the people concerned in this film.