Settle Down and Fears, Wishes & Reality at the Utah Film Festival

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Fears, Wishes & Reality and Settle Down is screening at the Utah Film Festival Nov 5th.

In Fears, Wishes & Reality, James wants to profess his love to Amanda, but is too afraid of what might happen. His Friend helps him get the confidence to express how he feels. The cast tapes into the talents of Will McAllister as James and Zel McAllister and Amanda.

Both films are produced by Devin G. Squire. Even with struggling with Autism & Depression Devin G. Squire has always been passionate about making films and telling his story. He hopes to one day start his own Studio with the goal of providing the resources for young and struggling filmmakers to tell their story how they wanna tell it.

Settle Down is about Parker Peterson who is a filmmaker. Feeling inadequate during the production of “Spuderman”, a satire superhero movie in which all but three people are potatoes, and in the midst of dealing with an agonizing cast and crew, When time becomes strained an other-worldly entity freezes time, allowing him to finish the film.

Settle Down rounds out it’s cast with Devin Squire as Parker, Kendra Squire as Alyssa, Austin Hylia and Austin, Camille Phillips as Tiffany, and Joshua Scott as Chad.

Tickets to the Fears, Wishes & Reality and Settle Down are available HERE