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What are some projects you have worked on in the last 12 months? 

This summer I had the amazing opportunity to play the role of Missy in the feature film Renaissance Kid coming 2023! Also this summer I had the pleasure of working on Power Rangers: Origins ! Earlier in the year I worked on a short film called Smalltown Boy, which we are in the process of expanding to a feature!  All of these were incredible experiences and opportunities! Shoutout to everyone on all of these sets, your hard work is always so inspiring! Special thanks to Clark Wagner, Wes Lapioli, Carson McKinnon and Rob Diamond for making these projects and opportunities possible!

Who is your favorite person on set? 

My favorite person on set would definitely have to be the director! I think it such an incredible opportunity to learn from them on how they connect with their actors and inspire the people around them on set!

What project have you worked on that made you a better professional? 

Working on Renaissance Kid this summer has made me a better professional because I have gotten to work with such a cool group of diverse talented actors! It has been fascinating working with a cast full of people my age and to see what they’re different processes are of bringing a character to life ! I also learned so much about jobs behind the camera including sound mixing and lighting a scene!

What advice do you have for your fellow actors or for people interested in pursuing acting as a career? 

My biggest piece of advice is NEVER GIVE UP! This industry is extremely competitive and can be discouraging at times, but if it is something you really want and are willing to push for your hard work will pay off! Remember there are always opportunities to learn on set. These aspects include both in front of the camera and behind the camera. You can always learn something new that will make you a more versatile actor!