Devin G. Squire – Fears, Wishes & Reality

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We had the opportunity to interview Devin G. Squire about his film Fears, Wishes & Reality which is an official selection at the Utah Film Festival.

Even with struggling with Autism & Depression Devin G. Squire has always been passionate about making films and telling his story. He hopes to one day start his own Studio with the goal of providing the resources for young and struggling filmmakers to tell their story how they wanna tell it.

What was the inspiration to make Fears, Wishes & Reality?

Inspiration was that in life I find things often are in between what we think might happen. Additionally wanted to make a real short and simple film.

From idea to completion, how did Fears, Wishes & Reality change?

Probably the biggest changes where cast had gone though a fair number of people for the roles. Location also could have been different. Everything else came together surprisingly close to what I envisioned with only minor differences.

What was the biggest challenge in getting Fears, Wishes & Reality made?

Biggest challenge was likely Getting everyone together to film especially during COVID.

What do you think is the most important takeaway from your film?

One takeaway for the film is that things aren’t always as you feared but also not as you wished.

If you could have a do over with Fears, Wishes & Reality is there anything that you would do differently? If so, what would that be?

If I redid things The main things would probably be using better equipment and make some slight costume and make up changes. Over all pretty glad with it turn out.

What do you have next in the works?

Currently have a sketch channel and a drama/horror with some sci-fi in the works

How can we learn more about you and your projects?

Can see more of my work on YouTube & Vimeo @Devin G. Squire

What are your Social Media Handles you would like us to use?

My socials are YouTube, Vimeo, Instagram, Twitter & Facebook all @Devin G. Squire