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In the dimly lit corners of the theater, “Haunted,” creeps into your creepest recesses of your brain. “Haunted” is a psychological horror-drama that explores the haunting grip of a demon within the confines of memory. Created for Brian Higgins’ Filmulate Festivals, “Haunted” weaves personal fears of parenthood and mental health into a spine-tingling experience.

At the helm of this short film is Brandon Young, a filmmaker whose motivations shift with each project. Young delved into the genesis of “Haunted,” emphasizing its roots in the Demon Chaser festival and his desire for a performance-driven narrative. The storyline evolved organically, coalescing around the concept of being haunted by a nightmarish memory.

“I don’t often get involved in film productions much anymore, despite my love for the craft, and I had the time to do it” said Young. “I wanted the film to be performance driven and crafted a story around personal fears I have as a father as well as mental health. The main idea remained throughout each revision of the script, but it did evolve as most script do, and it ultimately became a story of being haunted by a horrific memory.”

Motivated by diverse elements, Young’s filmmaking drive ranges from conceptual ideas and specific scenes to experimental approaches and societal themes. His dual role as a writer and director reflects a nuanced perspective, where psychology influences his writing, and audience engagement takes precedence in his directorial endeavors.

“With writing I’m always motivated and influenced by psychology or some sociological theme. When I’m behind the camera my motivation is always on the audience. How a scene is presented, how it’s performed, edited, it all needs the audience in mind. Of course my earlier work does not reflect this much at all. I’m motivated to better myself and to explore themes that I feel are important.”

During the making of “Haunted,” Young found joy in collaboration and the creative process. Working with lead actor Dennis Record and collaborating with David Salvatore on lighting brought a sense of fulfillment. However, Young reserves his highest praise for the post-production phase, particularly the sound design, where every second of audio was meticulously crafted to enhance the film’s atmospheric intensity.

“Cutting, grading, effects, and more importantly the sound design. I am immensely happy with the work done with the sound design. Every second of the audio was created in post. I had a great time doing it and learned quite a bit.”

Yet, the journey was not without its challenges. Young candidly admitted that time constraints, a common hurdle in festival-oriented projects, posed difficulties. The intense pace of production, compressed into a sixteen-hour shoot, compelled sacrifices, including the removal of a complex practical effects shot. Despite the constraints, Young lauded his team’s dedication and hard work.

Reflecting on the experience, Young expressed a desire for more time on set, particularly to explore alternative takes and showcase the well-executed makeup that didn’t receive ample screen time. The time crunch, inherent in festival filmmaking, forced adjustments, and Young acknowledged the importance of allowing creative elements to breathe.

The “Haunted” cast includes Dennis Record, Brian Higgins, Heather Hyer Hailes, Justin Beecher, Oliver Young, Jasmine Alexander, Marty Hicks, Danny Chadwick, and Matt Seaton.

As “Haunted” concludes its successful festival run, Young remains uncertain about its post-festival trajectory. Awards and nominations have marked its journey, leaving audiences eager for more. Young is staying focused on the future hinting at upcoming projects.

About Warren Workman

Warren Workman is the founder of the Utah International Film Festival. Workman’s passion is to share the stories of the filmmakers behind the movies and to encourage the next generation of filmmakers. Workman provides these services through ReelVibe PR.