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Have you ever had that day where nothing seems to be going your way? The day when lady luck decided to bail out on you, and you have no one else to turn to but face each chaos of the day. Certainly, one of those days that ends up from bad to worst. I believe most of us had that day. However, I suppose that you’ll feel that luck is more on your side once you see this film “A Will To Live” by Joseph Harding and staring Dane McDowell as our lead character, Will.

You know what they always say, “if you are having a bad day always remember that someone is encountering it ten times worse.” Just like Will, let’s see how his day turns out in this one of a kind short film. Will this be Will’s judgment day or a day of jubilation? Let’s find out.

The story of surrounding “A Will To Live” will undoubtedly serve as enlightenment to many, the way it surprisingly did for me. Our main character, Will had an incredible opportunity that most of us would jump at within a blink of an eye. Who wouldn’t say yes if someone offers to fulfill your life’s greatest desire? To get away from the reality that has been pulling you down? And finally, be the person you always dreamt to be? Just like what Will did in this film. He was able to live the life he has always wanted, get the perfect girl, enjoy endless partying, have endless cash to spend without the hassle of worrying how much you can afford anything. But all good things must come to an end, and before Will knew it, he was back much quicker to the reality that he left behind. All the extravagance doesn’t come for free. However, will the consequences of his actions be enough payment or is there a pricier tab to be collected?

I honestly felt good watching this movie. It made me look at the positive side of every bad situation. It magnified the best in the worst scenarios we may be experiencing in our life. It reminded me that there are no shortcuts to make a better life. It doesn’t always work out the way we want it to. We get tested through the rough and at times crazy challenges in life to get us to the life we deserve. In this film, Will might have chosen the process the other way around, but it made him contemplate more about his life, the evil within him and those that lurk around him. And he might just be saved by a miracle.

“A Will to Live” checks all the factors for an awesome movie. Next to its fantastic story, I had plenty of good laughs in just six minutes. I also like Will’s character, who was perfectly portrayed by Dane McDowell. It is one of those love him or hate him charters, and because of his realness and stubbornness, I bet you’ll also be on his side. Cinematography wise, directing, visual effects, as well as the acting was all delivered with exceptional skill. Applauses to its very creative director Joseph Harding and to all dedicated men and women who made this impressive film possible. Good Job!