‘Algea: God of Pain’ – A Personal and Transformative Horror Film

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Salt Lake City, Utah – Inglewood Films, a prominent name in the independent film community, is set to make waves once again with their upcoming horror film, “Algea: God of Pain.” Director JD Allen, known for his thought-provoking storytelling, has crafted a narrative that delves into the depths of human emotions and confronts the inner demons many of us grapple with.

The film, which will soon premiere at the Utah International Film Festival, explores the importance of self-reflection and confronting personal traumas. “In the world we live in today, we constantly hear about the evils of the world… How often do we actually face the demons within our own beings?… Imagine what shift the world would have if we could all face our demons and deal with them vs taking it out on others,” explained Allen, revealing the core message of the film.

The development of “Algea: God of Pain” was not without its challenges. Allen shared his personal struggles, emphasizing the difficulty in addressing hard-hitting topics. The film draws inspiration from these difficult conversations, urging viewers to engage in uncomfortable yet necessary dialogues, breaking the stigmas of silence that often shroud sensitive issues.

“These short stories will touch everyone in different ways, giving them different emotions and probably even make some uncomfortable” says Allen. ” I want to start those conversations . Stop the stigmas of silence.”

One of the film’s unique strengths lies in its cast and crew, carefully selected for their passion and dedication. Allen praised the local talent pool, including both seasoned actors and newcomers, all of whom brought their authenticity to the project. The film’s cinematography, handled by Carson McKinnon, signifies a departure for Allen, who entrusted McKinnon with the director of photography role, enabling Allen to focus on directing.

“Carson is so talented and he’s been busy on many other projects as well. I trust Carson to do the job” says Allen. “We have grown into such a big team I realized I can’t do it all even if I wanted to.”

“Algea: God of Pain” not only explores the complexities of human emotions but also navigates the challenges of filmmaking. Allen highlighted the obstacles faced during production, including tight schedules, financial constraints, and the impact of the ongoing pandemic. Despite these challenges, the team’s dedication prevailed, resulting in a project that Allen proudly referred to as a “beautiful collaboration of talent.”

The film’s imminent premiere marks a significant milestone for Inglewood Films. Allen expressed his optimism about the film’s impact, stating, “With anything, the more you do it, the better it gets… I look forward to doors of opportunity. I pray it opens for so many. I want all of our team to win.”

To aspiring filmmakers, Allen offered words of encouragement: “Don’t let the nay-sayers phase you. If you can dream it, you can achieve it. Continue with one foot in front of the other and don’t look back.”

As for the future of “Algea: God of Pain,” Allen teased upcoming announcements, keeping the audience eagerly anticipating the film’s next steps.

“Everyone will have to lock us in and stay tuned for big news coming!! I will share who we chose to partner up with on the 26th out of the 7 deals we had to choose from” Allen teased.

For those interested in exploring the depths of human emotions through “Algea: God of Pain,” further information about the film and other projects by Inglewood Films can be found on their official website www.theinglewoodfilms.com  and social media platforms, including Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and IMDB. The film’s premiere promises not only a chilling horror experience but also a profound journey into the human psyche, reminding audiences of the power of confronting one’s innermost fears.


For more information visit:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ALGEAmovie

Youtube: https://youtu.be/0TXkdxn8LR0?si=s4eWf25d7n63FSQz

Insta: https://www.instagram.com/algea_godofpain/

IMBD: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt14909408/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0_tt_3_nm_5_q_algea