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Mystery, thrill, excitement and love; these are some of the emotions that you will get upon watching Archway 0173. This film is directed by Pat Knight and it is one short drama story that will give its viewers something to look forward until the end. The twist and turns of the movie will surely make the audience up on their seat and leave them wondering of the mystery it has.

As the story goes, Tom the main character is living in the year 2015, when one day his mother brought an old telephone that she got from an auction. At first, Tom doesn’t care about it at all but when one Sunday afternoon while he is looking at it, the telephone suddenly rang. When he answered the phone there is this voice from the other line who is a girl and she is looking for his father. The conversation lasted for some minute and after that Tom realized that the unit is not plugged after all.

The mystery just keeps getting better as story shows that the father of the girl who is from the 1940’s is a spy for the government. Our main character together with his friend made some research about it and they discovered a shocking moment in history wherein the vicinity particularly their house will be bombed on a certain day.

Every scene of the movie just keeps getting better. The outrageous revelation in every moment will surely make the viewer’s time worthy. A blast from the past connecting to the future is one turning event in the movie. Outpouring gratitude is also evidently seen in the film for there is a life turning moment for our main character.

Pat Knight makes sure that her audience will ask for more when they see the movie. It is also one of the short films worth having a sequel or another chapter so that the viewers will have a clear understanding of the next chapter about the story. Archway 0173 has a light sequence from the beginning; the start will surely catch the attention of the audience for they will be puzzled if the story along the way will be a horror one. Out of the many short films, this movie is something that can be used in letting the people know the importance of their history. We cannot ignore our past just because the new age of technology is much exciting nowadays. We cannot have these growth and development if we did not go through our past.

The movie has an enticing storyline that is why it is worth a two thumbs up for the viewers. It is one quality film that we should give time and watch. It holds some life learning lessons that focus on our history. People from all walks can gain something in watching the film. Intriguing and interesting are the marks that can go along with the movie. It is worthy of our time and effort for it not just your ordinary short film from the corner.