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Finally! Here is a movie in a catastrophic setting that is very well thought out and superbly written, I like to thank Director Lenni Uitto for making this super impressive short film Bugout. Nowadays, movie theaters and online streams bombard us with films sensationalized in an apocalypse like settings but are not able to deliver that apocalyptic feel and fail in epic proportion, but certainly not Bugout. I have to warn you though; the realness of the scenarios was exquisitely done that it may set off your fears of human annihilation. But if you think you are ready, I’d like to take you inside the chaotic world of Bugout and give you a glimpse of Lenni Uitto’s incredibly amazing depiction of the horrors of our deepest fears.

The film started with a terroristic attack to infiltrate humans with the use of chemical bombs and annihilate one of the busiest city in the world. Clive and his son have to get out of the city before the situation gets out of hand. Not knowing where to go, Clive trusts his gut instinct to keep him and his son away from danger. Aside from the physical hazard, Clive also faces mental challenges to keep going, may these episodes be hallucinations or premonitions, he is determined to push forward in order to get his son to a safe place. However, one of the dangers they are trying to escape is slick, an invisible enemy prepared to attack them as soon as they let their guard down. One morning, after a night’s rest, Clive has to face one of his darkest fears.

Bugout reminded me of the award-winning 2006 fictional novel of American writer Cormac McCarthy, The Road, which was adapted into the big screen in 2009. I am sincerely thankful to have the opportunity to screen Bugout, it was like seeing one of my favorite movies of all time come to life again after ten years. It felt like a fresh and innovative version of the novel. But don’t get me wrong, though there are similarities, a meaningful number of elements made Bugout standout more. One of them is the concrete beginning and turn of events. Next is the gradual addition of supporting characters, whose presence were extremely felt because of the excellent actors that portrayed them. Third, is the genuine connection between Clive, who played by the noteworthy Eric McGraw and his son Alex, portrayed by Jason Hardy. And lastly, the movie will have you gripped on to every scene until the very last. I even had myself question what is going to happen to Clive and his son? Who are these characters that appeared and what impact are they going to have on Clive’s journey? And the most important question that I bet you’ll also ask is, what is going to happen next?

I hate to break it to you my readers but this awesome film has a cliff hanger. I have to say it out loud so that director Lenni Uitto and his wonderful cast and crew will have no choice but make an installment of this excellent film. The overall quality of this movie is top grade, and it just scored a perfect 10 in every category on the list. Outstanding film guys hoping for the next chapter very soon!