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We come to a point in our life where we strive so hard to make a living, to build the ideal life for our family, even sometimes by pursuing a career that no longer inspires us, staying at a job that we hate, or giving up the things that we love the most. Along the way, we slowly lose ourselves as we embrace the reality of life and its chaos.

Today, I came across a short film called “Career Day” by directors Jason Robinson and Chris Hooper. This film hits differently. It was entertaining, a feel-good movie that would put a smile on your face. It will even make you laugh! And eventually, strike you to your core as it did to me.

“Career Day” is a story about a father, Johnny Hazel (Paul Bartholomew) who recently quit his job. He faces personal challenges as an adult. Quitting his job, being questioned about his mental well-being, even doubting his worth with the path he has chosen with his life, and to add salt to the wound, it’s his daughter’s upcoming Career Day in school. Faced with a crossroad, with no clear path to choose, Johnny’s sleeping spirit was awakened by the memorabilia of his old self. With not much time to prepare, Johnny took on the challenge to resurrect the old him, along with 4 more guys, to ignite the spark he lost over time. Will he find that spark? Well, that is the best part you wouldn’t want to miss in this film.

This film captured my heart in an instant. Though this may only be 10 minutes long, however, this film will remain in my memory and my heart for a very long time. This is a clear depiction of how many of us are going through and makes us realize that whatever it is, it is ok, you may not be doing great at the moment, but it doesn’t mean that it is the end. And it is never too late to look back or be your genuine self to get on the right track.

Aside from the heartwarming message that it conveyed, this film did extremely well with its production and the cast. Apart from the fact that the lead role is played by Paul Bartholomew, who effortlessly gave an outstanding performance, the movie had an exceptional ensemble. It was like every character did not miss a note. I loved how visible their dedication is and the performance that they pulled off near the end was simply icing on the cake.

The film quality was superb too. “Career Day” is undeniably at the top of my list this season. Overall, watching “Career Day” made my day better. I loved this film. This is something I will share in a heartbeat with families and friends. This short film does not disappoint and delivers more than what is expected. Kudos to its directors Jason Robinson and Chris Hooper for the outstanding short film and to the cast for a performance worthy of a standing ovation!