Chakra-Vyooh is directed by Gaurie Bonsley and is about an everyday person who is forced to live out a seemingly...
Chakra-Vyooh is directed by Gaurie Bonsley and is about an everyday person who is forced to live out a seemingly...
“Arthur Weatherby” is a fun short film that explores three stories as a narrator reads each one individually, only to...
For a film with a budget less than $500, the production quality in “Bad Men and The Devil” is incredible....
Acceptance is a very powerful short film in the way of its message about adoption. The story has a wonderful...
Eleven Days (directed by Jaginder Singh) is about a boy named Ajit, who after a family tragedy, has to embark...
From the beginning moments of toy piano keys sounding in the Mojave Desert to the final shots of an ethereal...
Let me start by saying this was an incredible plot. I quite enjoyed the little details put into it, beginning...
Hanneli and Anne is a touching film based on true events told by Hanneli Goslar, a survivor of the Holocaust...
Disclaimer: This film has no subtitles. Luckily I speak Spanish so I had a good grasp on what was going...
Wow, after watching this film I might have a nightmare or two tonight. It did a wonderful job of portraying...
Changing a little thing can change the whole world What most we all do like in a movie? A little...