Darkus Buckerbergius

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Political tyranny goes way back in ancient times with the Greeks, and it seems like the world has not broken free from this old and abusive political way that to this day there are many countries in political turmoil. The world and its people have already battled far enough wars. However, it seems true peace is quite distant from the picture. With the undeniable tension between the United States and China, lawlessness and humanitarian crisis in Yemen, the verge of civil war in Cameroon, continued war in Ukraine, Venezuela’s economic warfare against their own people and of course the never-ending terror in the Middle East are only a few of the brewing, if not already brewed crisis all over the world. I am no political analyst nor someone who fancies issues about politics, but I belong to the immense group of people suffering from selfish, oppressive, and corrupt ways of many politicians. The root cause, greed. Greed for power and authority. And they won’t stop, no matter how many will suffer.

Good thing there are filmmakers who use their craft to make movies that are timely, relevant, and will make a huge impact on society. I admire filmmakers like these, just like our featured filmmaker and movie today, Schikhur and his intriguing and timely short film “Darkus Buckerbergius” I describe this movie as the voice of the people. It was made with courage for the good of all concerned and filled with bravery to face a battle many have failed. Aside from that, I also consider this film as the rebirth of the new V for Vendetta, a movie that will wake up the people from the coercion from those in the higher position.

This movie has presence and power, it made me realize that there is a ‘Darkus Buckerbergius’ in each and every one of us. In the 10-minute that this short film run, director Schikhur was able to magnify the significant points we need to hear and how we are often manipulated by those who use the law and the power of the government. It opened my mind to the fact that we often lose martyrs and probably another ‘Darkus Buckerbergius’ because we don’t stand along or stand up for the rights that they are striving to achieve. Do we have to lose another Darkus Buckerbergius to ignite our passion for freedom once again?

I am one with this film, wholeheartedly and with the best of my interest and for my country who seems to be on the same page with this movie. I feel the core message conveyed by this film to the depths of my being. And with everything that is going on right now from governments in crisis, terrorism, media manipulation and blackouts we need a film like this. Watching this film gave me the chills because it spoke of the truth that has been often silenced. I was never fond of films charged with political beliefs, but the brilliance and courage of director Schikhur forever changed my views.