Devin G. Squire – Settle Down

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We had a chance to meet up with Devin G. Squire who has two films officially selected as part of the Utah Film Festival to discuss his film Settle Down. The film is about Parker Peterson, a filmmaker. Feeling inadequate during the production of “Spuderman”, a satire superhero movie in which all but three people are potatoes, and in the midst of dealing with an agonizing cast and crew, When time becomes strained an other-worldly entity freezes time, allowing him to finish the film.

What was the inspiration to make Settle Down?

Inspiration was after a different project fell through I joked we should just cast a sack of potatoes, later got together with some friends to brainstorm something else and the main ideas came from not having enough time to finish a film and Spider-Man

From idea to completion, how did Settle Down change?

We’d be here all day if I listed every change, some of the biggest where in who was planned to be involved many people bailed out unfortunately. And how Parker went about things for example in one draft is was going to complain to his barber. Also Spuderman was originally going to have a much skinnier suit.

What was the biggest challenge in getting this show made?

There where so many challenges again would be here all day some of the biggest where dealing with how many people flaked out, funding the project, getting everything done for the day, dealing with the heat especially since the camera overheated and glitched out frequently, assembling together footage in a way that was compelling and pulling off the VFXs along with pushing through various mental issues.

What do you think is the most important takeaway from Settle Down?

The takeaway is that we all wish we had more time to work on what we love and that we had more people to share it with but that it’s best to enjoy the time and people we do have.

If you could have a do over with Settle Down is there anything that you would do differently? If so, what would that be?

What wouldn’t I wanna change and do over again would change the title I think it’s bad would’ve loved to have more practical effects, would have wanted to flush out characters way more have had more cast and crew and just do more SpuderMan that one I am going to do though.

What do you have next in the works?

Currently have a sketch channel and a drama/horror with some sci-fi in the works

How can we learn more about you and your projects?

To leading more about this project buy the blu-ray lol 😀 for everything else Can see more of my work on YouTube & Vimeo @Devin G. Squire

My socials are YouTube, Vimeo, Instagram, Twitter & Facebook all @Devin G. Squire