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Inglewood Films brings us their first feature-length film filled with twists and turns, interesting characters, and strange happenings. Fear is truly the devil’s greatest illusion in “Fear Level,” made in Utah with a beautifully diverse cast of minorities. “Fear Level” is a classic thriller-suspense film, with suspicious activity, intense scenes, death, murder, and even some humor. You are left guessing who will survive and how each story will impact the next. The soundtrack isn’t half bad either.

The first mystery unfolds slowly, letting Terence’s mind play games on us and himself. You wonder what is the real story. The music builds such good suspense. The rain adds to Terence’s misery. His gun flashes in his mind constantly from the beginning. You wonder if it is guided by him or if he is guided by it. It sets the stage for high expectations and the emotional roller coaster as we watch the rest of the thrillers come together in one fatefully connected storyline.

I loved how unique each story was and how seemingly random events in one person’s life may have an impact on someone else’s. “Fear Level” is definitely a fun ride from beginning to end. It paints an interesting narrative about how fear guides our thoughts and actions. The film explores all kinds of human fallacies such as stereotypes, racism, bigotry, and simple random mistakes. Anything can make a storyline take a turn for the worse. It makes you question how your own life and personal fears and misconceptions may impact someone else’s and you question how other’s will influence your life through their own fears and biases.

I was constantly wondering who and how fear would target next throughout the film and what the next crazy twist would be. The second story did not disappoint. With a typically religious and bigoted couple, you can only guess what is awry.

The third story begins relaxed and hopeful. After the first two stories, you know the third will have some crazy twists up its sleeve. I loved watching how each short film blended and contrasted with the next. JD Allen should definitely keep coming up with these kinds of stories.

The cast was truly amazing. JD Allen, Chapell Griggs, Sean Worsham, Amanda deHertoghe, and Tristan Lawyer brought out truly twisting stories. They could write a whole season (or more!) of unique material. The order of the stories was well thought out. The cinematography and sound worked really well together to paint horrible scenes.

“Fear Level” fulfills your desire to see crazy and violent stuff happen to people. It quenches your thirst for revenge. It infuriates you. It keeps your mind occupied with constantly figuring out what’s next. I, for one, am glad JD Allen found his way back to the creative side of things and started his film production company Inglewood Films. I’m looking forward to seeing more of what he writes and produces. “Fear Level” has the potential of being a binge-worthy series for anyone that likes thrillers and twists.