Hope, Regret, Redemption: The Untold Story of ‘What I Should Have Said’
March 2020 the screenplay “What I Should Have Said” pickup up the win for Best Feature Screenplay at the Utah Film Festival. Fast forward to 2024 and the film, sharing the same name, begins its festival run. The story of making “What I Should Have Said” is just as dramatic as the story on the screen. I had the opportunity to talk to Rachelle Price (Bitter Monkey Productions), the director of the film where she shared insights into the film’s origin, challenges faced during production, and the valuable lessons learned along the way.
The story, originally conceived by Landon Kasten eight years ago, took on a life of its own as it transformed from a narrative focused on regret to a powerful tale of self-discovery and the ability to forge a better path in life. The evolution of the script laid the foundation for a film that explores the complexities of choices and the potential for redemption.
“The lessons we learned from making this film were priceless” said Price. “We basically had 4 years of film school. It was exhausting and at times felt impossible, but we all grew and learned so much that it was all worth it. Not to mention the incredible people behind it, and the solid relationships we built.”
However, the path to completion was not without obstacles. The onset of the pandemic posed a significant challenge, forcing the team to navigate through unforeseen hurdles. Self-funded and determined, they faced the loss of locations and cast members, leading to a major rewrite of the story.
“I can’t tell you how tempting it was to give up on this project. It would have been so easy to walk away. But we knew we had to finish it for everyone else that had put so much time and effort into the project. We owed it to them. Ultimately we were so happy with how the new story unfolded. It felt like it was meant to be.”
Reflecting on the arduous journey, Price acknowledges that more time in pre-production could have made a significant difference. The lack of consultation with an entertainment lawyer during the early stages of the project became apparent, as they grappled with releases and contracts essential for solidifying their position for distribution. Price emphasizes the importance of blending artistic vision with a business mindset, recognizing the intricacies that distribution companies prioritize.
“There are so many details that a distribution company cares about, that won’t be anywhere on your radar as a filmmaker.”
Looking ahead, audiences can anticipate the film’s debut during the 2024 festival run, with plans for online distribution to follow. To stay informed about Bitter Monkey Productions’ upcoming projects, Rachelle Price encourages fans to connect through their Facebook and Instagram pages. Always on the lookout for new talent and like-minded individuals, Price and Eve Keener welcome the opportunity to engage with the filmmaking community.
Key cast and crew members of ‘What I Should Have Said” includes Rachelle Price, Eve Keener, Shelley Greene, Kili Maile, Paul Bacera, Landon Kasten, Dominika Danielle, Charan Prabhakar, Kaden Caldwell, Charla Bocchicchio, and Shawn Stevens. A full list of the cast and crew can be found on the films IMDB page