How to Fund Your Short Film (kinda)

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So you’ve got a great idea for a short film, but you don’t have any money to make it? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Making a short film can be expensive, but there are a few ways to get funding without selling your soul to the devil…that option will come when you try to sell your short film.

  • Start a GoFundMe page. This is a popular way to raise money for all sorts of projects, but it’s especially effective for short films. Just make sure you have a great pitch and some compelling visuals to get people excited about your film. But how do you make your project shine more than any other? Bikinis! That’s right, get your volunteer crew to ship down to a French thong and work it for the camera. I can just imagine our 300 lb  old man of a producer barring all to get a little extra cash.
  • Enter a film contest. There are many film contests that offer cash prizes, and some of them even have production budgets. So if you’re confident in your film, enter a few contests and see if you can win some money. When in doubt if you have a chance to win the audience vote, refer to the previous bikini tip.
  • Sell your belongings. If you’re really desperate, you can always sell your belongings to raise money for your film. Just make sure you don’t sell anything you’ll actually need later, like your car or your phone….or kidney
  • Start a cult. This is a long-term strategy, but it can be very effective. Just find a few people who are as passionate about your film as you are, and start a cult around it. Soon, you’ll have a group of devoted followers who will be more than happy to donate money to your film.
  • Marry a rich person. This is probably the easiest way to fund your short film, but it’s also the least realistic if you only know filmmakers. But hey, if you can pull it off, more power to you.

These are just a few ways to fund your short film. If you’re feeling creative, you can probably come up with even more. Just remember, the most important thing is to be persistent and creative and eventually you will find a way to make that movie.

But seriously, don’t sell your soul to the devil. He doesn’t pay that much anyway.