Inside Jeanette Campbell’s screenplay ‘Vagrant'”

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Jeanette Campbell found inspiration in the growing homeless population during her visit to the iconic location of Venice Beach in her recent screenplay “VAGRANT.”

Campbell shared that the main character Gaby had an evolution in the screenplay. “I would say she learns to not judge people as quickly and harshly as she used to, which is something we could all learn from, in my opinion. Me especially.”

For Campbell, the most challenging aspect of screenwriting lies in finding the time to translate her vivid ideas onto paper. As a bonus, the craft also offers instant gratification, allowing her to swiftly bring scenes to life. “VAGRANT was written in 8 days, for example,” she remarked.

Interested filmmakers looking to collaborate or option the screenplay can reach out to Campbell via email at While she has explored various genres, Campbell excels in the world of comedy/rom-com and dramedy, continually drawn to lighthearted stories that evoke laughter.

For those intrigued by Campbell’s work, additional projects can be explored on her Coverfly page:

“Vagrant” is an official selection of the Utah International Film Festival.