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Education plays a vital role in a person’s development. It nurtures the mind with a standardized approach to learning. Books, scholarly studies, teachers, professors all contribute to the knowledge we gain. But in life, the greatest learning come from our experiences, especially when we stumble and make mistakes. And often, we learn the hard way with situations we unknowingly created and find difficulty in resolving. Our focus film for today is a short family drama titled “Khushi” from student director Niraj Jadav. In this film, he took me to Khushi’s world where she faces the challenges of keeping up with her parent’s standards, her studies, her love life, and the dilemma of a growing teenager.

“Khushi” is a familiar story to many of us. A young girl, exploring the tempting and exciting world of adolescence. Where the pressure of being accepted and approved by peers and family, is at an extreme point. Khushi, a teenage girl, is a straight-A student who grew up with her traditional old-fashioned parents. Her mother and father struggled their way and worked hard to have a good life as a family and especially for Khushi. And their goal for her, particularly her father’s, is for her to excel in life. They want her to become successful, work hard, give her best all the time with her academics so she can achieve her goals, and wouldn’t have to go through the same struggle they did. And as for Khushi, she always does her best in school to please her parents. However, at times, it makes her feel it’s never good enough for her father. And it misled her to seek acceptance and approval from somewhere else. She met a boy who showed her interest and affection but unraveled his true nature and drew her into messy situations. Will Khushi find her way back? Will her parents’ found out about it, or will they help her sort out her troubles? Those parts I need to keep hanging. But I guarantee you that her story will enlighten many of our young generations of the clauses of the actions they take at present and how much it will shape their future.

I like the lesson that this film imparts to its viewers. In my perception, it gives significant values to both parents and their children. Indeed a family film worth watching. Even though it is a twenty-minute short film, it was concise and concrete. Director Niraj Jadav, who also wrote the story, was able to emphasize relevant matters that affect the family. Concerns which are often neglected or kept with silence, and these are open communication and support. For a student film director and a first-time filmmaker, I am applauding his efforts in taking on topics that many can relate and learn. I also fancy the cinematography of this film. It is vibrant and compliments well with the personality of our main character Khushi, who is, by the way, perfectly portrayed by the lovely Yashna Budoo. I am hoping to see more from our rising director  Niraj Jadav. I am confident that he is on his way to making more films like Khushi. Great work and best of luck!