Living All of Life
Today’s feature review highlights the work of a student film director from Centro de Capacitacion Cinematografica, AC named Marlén Ríos-Farjat. She offers a beautiful life-changing short drama-comedy titled “Living All of Life” A story about a woman named Susana who is trapped in her own seclusion from the beauty of life. I enjoyed watching this short film, that is why I am going to share with you a few glimpses of this amazing film.
The story of “Living All of Life” centers on a challenging phase in Susana’s life. Susana is a typical old lady, someone who is trying to live the rest of her life the way it has been, but somehow it is no longer as it used to be.
She is not at her best self. She is sad and alone, and she has yet to acknowledge the truth behind it. She still waits for the return of her husband, who has not returned home for a couple of months. She gets irritated easily and diverts her hate on them too, especially on her free-spirited neighbor, Gloria. Susana and Gloria live their lives very opposite. Gloria spends her time dancing, appreciating music, and enjoying the company of people, while Susana spitefully looks at her. They don’t know each other but by the looks of it, you’ll already know that they’ll be the least of friends. But life has its mystical ways of connecting people, and Susana and Gloria found a way to each other. And their differences seemed to ignite the friendship in them. Gloria helps Susana by playing tricks on her estranged husband and introducing her to a life she has ignored being a faithful wife to her husband. But all the fun, discoveries, and friendship between Gloria and Susana went awry when Susana finally sees the truth that she is never going to get her husband back. Will she get stuck again to the oblivion of hate, sadness, and being alone? Or will she realize the reality and beauty of life that Gloria helped open her eyes to? This is one realization that many of us go through and often learn the hard way. So better make sure to catch this film. Will she get stuck again to the oblivion of hate, sadness, and being alone? Or will she realize the reality and beauty of life that Gloria helped open her eyes to? This is one realization that many of us go through and often learn the hard way. So better make sure to catch this film. Will she get stuck again to the oblivion of hate, sadness, and being alone? Or will she realize the reality and beauty of life that Gloria helped open her eyes to? This is one realization that many of us go through and often learn the hard way. So better make sure to catch this film.
I found this short film very precious and significant for many women. We often hold on to things and relationships positively thinking that things will get better, without acknowledging realities right in front of us. And in Susana’s case, it was like being trapped in quicksand, years and years of unhappiness, and being alone, forgetting the beauty of life. Filmmaker Marlén Ríos-Farjat beautifully conceptualizes the value of ‘now’, and the time we lose dwelling and succumb to things we can no longer handle. She excellently exhibits a vital life lesson we can all learn from. Aside from Marlén Ríos-Farjat’s skillful storytelling, I cannot go on with this review without recognizing the performance of Paloma Woolrich (Susana) and Carmen Delgado (Gloria). These two are amazing actresses, I was moved by their performance and the depth of emotion they have invested with their characters. Overall, this film is a great story that tackles real life. I value it and am a fan of it. The kind of story you will not regret watching and sharing with people. Amazing work!