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We had the opportunity to interview Luella Hill, the filmmaker behind Numb. Numb is an official selection at the Utah Film Festival.

Getting through at any cost may cost Lola everything; her medical license, her two young daughters, and faith in herself.

What was the inspiration to make Numb?

I had this empty pool. I had to write something with this location in mind. I sat in the pool, and NUMB was born. This woman sitting in this pool, an empty vessel as vacant in feeling, like the pit of loss, the hollow belly, stomach of loss of a beloved.

From idea to completion, how did Numb change?

My co-writers, Carlos and my husband Chong  and I kept asking questions. What if? And why? The rest was connecting the dots with truth for character, making sure that medical content tracked. As we asked questions, the script grew. Later my daughters were up for the challenge of making the music.

I enjoyed working with my husband, carving out choices and decisions as well as movements that are true to am medical practitioner.  He is a medical consultant for film and television, he used to teach doctors and so working with him was fun and easy.  He is that guy watching medical shows commenting on what would never happen and why. Lol.

What was the biggest challenge in getting Numb made? 

This was the first project, and I learned a lot.  I wanted to make a few cuts but realized too late, and that’s when I had to embrace my choice as an artist.  The painter, the artist, completes the painting, then later, under different lighting, in a different mood, concludes that there is too much red. Questing the use of red at the exhibit can happen, and then must take the note; yes, a bit too much of one color, but it has to be bold enough to look at her art, the big picture, and rest with the choice as a feather in her cap, all the wiser for the next endeavor.

Also,forgot to mention that producing with your own money is not easy.

What do you think is the most important takeaway from your film?

I think that this project, NUMB was important as it touches on mental health, depression, and addiction, a topic that is extremely important and no longer hush, hush, especially after the pandemic. We are acknowledging the importance of our feelings and addressing healing injured/broken parts.

If you could have a do over with Numb is there anything that you would do differently? If so, what would that be?

Working as the lead actor and producer/co-executive producer, I had to think about many other things rather than just the acting. That was challenging, and it cost me. I thought I could do it all. When I’m acting in my future project, I will ensure I have help with essential production necessities.

Losing a loved one is not easy and it is important to acknowledge the loss to continue to live fully, feeling the ups and downs life has to give. The gift is precious.

What do you have next in the works?

Next project, we are in post-production for Mirror, Mirror, set to start filming in January.

How can we learn more about you and your projects?

My social media handles are Her.Storiez on Instagram and Luella Hill on Facebook.