Meat Cute – Crowdfunding Campaign

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Directed by award winning director, Errol Teichert and produced by award winning producer, Joshua Garretson, this film promises to be something new, wild, bloody and downright hilarious!

It is estimated that the film will require nearly 700 GALLONS of fake blood. Yeah… it’s that crazy.

Your contribution to the project will allow us to acquire the props and equipment needed for the film (LOTS of blood, body parts, etc.), as well as allow us to hopefully pay the entire cast and crew fair wages for their work on the film! (We need to hit our goal in order to make this all happen.) A portion of the budget will also go towards film locations and equipment rental.

A Note From The Director:

Ever since I can remember, I’ve been a hopeless romantic. An embarrassing amount of my existence has been devoted to finding “the one.” While I am the luckiest man alive because I married my wife, I came to the conclusion a long time ago that there is no “one.” There’s not one person that’s meant to be with another. People have to choose each other, and make the choice to be each other’s “one” every day. That doesn’t mean that life can’t surprise you though. This idea is at the heart of Meat Cute. While on the surface it’s a silly, over-the-top camp-horror romcom, what this film is really about is the common miracle of two people finding and choosing each other. In this case, those people just happen to be psychopaths. Meat Cute is different from my usual work in that I’m usually inclined toward relationship dramas that try to make you think or cry. I’ve never made a horror film, and I haven’t worked much in comedy. But when this idea hit me, I couldn’t not make it. And the script is easily the funniest thing I’ve ever written, with a disproportionate amount of blood to boot. I hope you’ll enjoy this film, because we’re going to enjoy making it.


If you would like to support “Meat Cute” visit their crowdfunding page at–2