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Niggun is a short film in 2D animation that was created from the brilliant mind of director Yoni Salmon. This is not your ordinary short film; it is deeper in thoughts but still needs some polishing on the deliberation of the scenes and sequences.

The story is all about the past of the earth going along with the present on the outer space. The main characters are on a journey looking for something that is missing in their life. Both are expecting to find what is left behind with the religions of the earth accompanied with its spirituality. They searched tirelessly only to find out different things. History is all around and still they insist that they have the luck to land on the things that they came into.

As the story rolls over, one thing that is needed to be adjusted is clarity of the voices and sub-titles. It is just ok to have the main voice or sound on a different language, just make sure that the sub-title is readable for all the movie viewers. The story line should have better twist and turns that can make the viewers get excited. In this way, there is a big chance that they will not get bored and would stay for the rest of the film.

The film has a different approach. It has a deeper meaning and most of the time, and this kind of storyline is picking a few audiences that have that ability to grasp what the director has inserted on the movie. Emotions should also be clear in some scenes, this is one way that the viewers can put on their self and would probably stay throughout the duration of the movie.

The story line is good but still needs to be improved. It should focus on the main aim of what you want to impart to your viewers. We cannot just jump from one scene to the other without sewing the whole concept of the film. This is one key in catching the attention of all the people that you want to have as your audience. Most of the time, at the start of the story, the whole idea is still intact, but as you go along in the middle till the end, we notice that there are already chaotic moments and viewers will get lost about the main thought of the film.

Overall, I can say that the movie is a promising one. Although there are many things that are needed to be improved and developed, the film deserves to have an acknowledgement for the effort that has been put into it. This is one of kind experience that opens a door for learning and polishing things for greater heights. As they say life’s experience is the best teacher that we can have in this life. Kudos and heads up for all the efforts in this film. We all know that you can do better and success is just around the corner waiting to be seen.