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We often go to parties to have fun, spend time with friends, meet new people, and most of the time we do it to get away from reality and problems that bug us. But what if the problem or the person you are trying to break loose from seem to follow you everywhere and spoils the fun you’ve been anticipating for so long. Do you have the courage to suck it up or better yet plan another breakout?

A Night of Adventure took me in depth with two people trying to escape their current situation, Shane and Marley. They have just met each other but felt like they’ve known each other their whole life. Interesting huh? I bet there many of you know just how this feel. It was like meeting yourself but knew you more than you know yourself. Someone who knew you for a couple of minutes but understands you more than the people you have been with for years. It may seem kind of crazy, but it was like finally meeting your soulmate. But what happens when two perfectly compatible souls find each other? Do they fall in love and be united for the rest of their lives? What is destiny’s purpose in aligning their stars? What is in store for Shane and Marley as they try to run for an escape in a Night of Adventure?

The story kicked off with Shane and his best buddy Evan, who is trying to convince him in going to a party. Shane was very reluctant to go out, trying to dodge an ex-girlfriend who seems to have done a number on him. Being the extra persuasive friend that he is, Evan convinced Shane to come with him to the party that will change the rest of his life. Shane had expected to be a loner at the party, but his situation got a little more uneasy when he spotted his ex-girlfriend in the scene. He decided to leave the area and went out for a smoke in the yard and found a stranger in the person of Marley, who just had a fight with her boyfriend. The two started talking and immediately connected with each other. Marley then proposed that they leave the party and all the drama in it, and go for a carefree night of adventure. Little did they know that aside from the fun and bumpy tracks they stumble along the way, they are about to discover a deeper connection bound to define their destiny.

Director Chaz Evans gave me an edgy, realistic and not so typical romance film. It also had me at the edge of my seat with excitement and at some point, burst out laughing because of some craziness that I have also witnessed personally with my friends. What I like about this film is that it is real, it is not pretentious. Chaz Evans made the characters of Shane and Marley not in alignment to the usual protagonist, but to personalities that truly exist in real life. Plus, Casey Wright and Emily Ashby, who played the roles of Shane and Marley were outright impressive and evidently connected with the characters that they portray. But that’s not all the whole cast also delivered a superb performance which is a fine statement that they believe and support to the success of the film. Lastly, the ultimate highlight of this movie was it is under the category of the budget under $500. With a movie this great, I wonder what director Chaz Evans and his whole cast and crew do with more budget. Awesome film guys, well done!