Behind the Scenes of John Cheney’s “Payday”
Open Cinema played host to the crime thriller "Payday," written, directed, and produced by John Cheney. The film takes audiences...
Open Cinema played host to the crime thriller "Payday," written, directed, and produced by John Cheney. The film takes audiences...
In the unforgiving landscapes of Utah, “Icarian" follows the desperate journey of Simon Shaw and Isabella Hughes, the last survivors...
Several years ago I taught at Salt Lake Community College in the film department as an adjunct staff member. My...
Ebrahim Ghaeini, the creative mind behind the short film "The Time Machine," recently shared insights into the making of this...
March 2020 the screenplay "What I Should Have Said" pickup up the win for Best Feature Screenplay at the Utah...
Inspiration can often be found in the world around us, or as I discovered in the case of the following...
I love this beautiful state that I live. In the serene landscapes of Utah, filmmaker Walter Mirkšs created a seven-minute...
The Utah International Film Festival is thrilled to announce the highly anticipated Official Selection for its 13th annual celebration of...
As the Utah International Film Festival approaches, anticipation is building for the world premiere of 'ALLIE,' a sci-fi short film...
Serial killers are frightening. Just the thought of them, while you are alone in your house at night or in...
Life can be full of surprises. Sometimes you just wouldn't know what will hit you or who will bump into...
2024 will be 100 years since the first movies filmed in Utah premiered and also the 50th anniversary of the...
The Vanished has been selected to play at the Utah Film Festival, Saturday October 1st at the Towne Hub in...
Hop into your DeLorean and zoom down to Maven Cinemas for a day of time-hopping fun with the "Back to...
Director Tshoper Kabambi, recognized for his work on 'Heart of Africa,' has been selected to direct the upcoming bio-epic, 'PATRICE...
Trespassers has been selected to play at the Utah Film Festival, Saturday October 1st at the Towne Hub in American...
Our mental health is of utmost importance. And it is highly advised to seek medical consultation as soon as we...
A story filled with extraordinary adventures bound to life's true calling, Shiloh Nyce's short screenplay titled "One Who Knows" entails...