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POISONING PARADISE is a documentary, feature length film set in arguably, one of the most beautiful places in the world, Kauai, Hawaii. In this tropical paradise where tourists flock to enjoy beaches, fresh grown pineapple and Hawaiian fruits, and the many natural wonders of this American state, school children, species unique to the Hawaiian eco-system, and the Hawaiian people are being exposed to unknown and toxic chemicals by some of America’s largest agricultural companies. These companies have no requirement to announce what they are spraying, when they are spraying it, and are legally protected from having to disclose information.

Kauai is a land of spectacular beauty, and for generations, agriculture and cultivation has shaped the land and its uses. Companies such as Syngenta, Monsanto, Dow, Dupont, BASF, and others are buying up huge tracks of land, and experimenting on crops. They are using chemicals to create insect-resistant varieties of plants, and other pesticides on these crops. These experiments have consequences, and many Hawaiians are the unwilling test subjects who are living and breathing the results because of exposure to air borne pollutants, and run-off into their aqua duct system.

Test fields are being used next to small villages and schools. Health issues have become the norm among Hawaiians, such as unexplained rashes, an increase in respiratory related illnesses, and an alarming increase in cognitive disfunction among Hawaiian youth. These communities have been trying to stand up to lawmakers with great difficulty and limited support. Bill 2491 was introduced to help protect the citizens, and although initially successful, the bill was repeatedly knocked down in court. These courts are served by lawmakers who appear to be tainted and continually side with the interests of these giant corporations. Every year, many millions of dollars are paid to finance political campaigns of politicians willing to accept their money, and to further their agenda.

These companies have not been required to disclose what they are spraying, or why because they have been manipulating state and federal agricultural laws to their benefit. They are also lobbying politicians with financial donations to help further their self-serving interests, and cleverly planting people who have an obvious conflict of interest to serve their purposes in government power positions.

This documentary is generally a story of how communities have attempted to create a law that would better protect them and govern these conglomerates. Their first major effort was the creation of Bill 2491, but their struggle to see this common sense bill has been faced with opposition from corporations, politicians, and lawmakers. Despite changes and repeated efforts to rewrite similar Bills from 2013 to present, they has been no change to these laws and the Hawaiian people are still unprotected.

This film contains interviews with many different people with vested interests in the health of the island, and its people. Despite requests to participate in the film, these large corporations refused to participate, and the laws remain unchanged. Hawaii needs global support to prevent further large scale disaster. When a film tries to change the world, great things can happen. I hope this film reaches a larger, more global audience, and that the change the Hawaiian people need will occur before more irreparable harm is done.