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“Robbering” is a fun short that revolves around two robbers getting ready to do their thing. The target? A home… of one of the guys’ ex-girlfriend unbeknownst to him until he finds a toy figurine that he “broke” in the past along with his CD collection. What happens from there? What can happen from there? The possibilities are endless and I have to admit I was thoroughly entertained throughout the whole thing. I laughed quite a bit and admired how well the chemistry was between the two actors and the actress.

One thing I really liked about this was the casting choice of the two main actors. They had a really unique chemistry that made me really curious as to how exactly they came to know one another in this set universe. One of them is a very experienced robber while the other one is a… training-to-be-robber. How these two crossed paths I have no idea, and seeing their interaction together can only add a lot of fun ideas to their backstory.

Also, the music, it’s very old school “robber” feel, which is super appropriate for the tone of this short film. It’s never in your face and it really reminds me of The Pink Panther. It’s so subtle and in a way it adds to their character depths due to how fun and simple it is. While I’m talking about the music, I must say that one of them has a really interesting obsession regarding the Bee Gees. That alone goes a long way to say something about the character’s personality.

As the story unfolds more and more characterization comes forth, which is another thing I appreciated because I felt like I slowly got to know each character rather than being forced to know them outright. For example, although both of the robbers are likable to an extent, one is revealed to have a past that speaks immensiley about why his past relationship doesn’t work out as planned. It doesn’t make him any less likable, it makes him feel more realistic and relatable. For the short duration, I’m really impressed how they pulled that off.

The writing and the delivery of the dialogue really help sell the depth of these characters. Those alone feel real and all I can think of is how one of these people in this short may actually exist. That right there really draws me in and makes me want to keep getting to know them. The filmmakers hooked me with interaction, and then situation, and finally the resolution. The turns of each character really moves the story forward.

Overall I really loved how basic the story is. It’s so simple, yet it’s also something that not a lot of people ask about regarding the situation these two robbers find themselves in. The interaction between all of the characters and how it’s written feels extremely genuine. If the filmmakers were to make this into a short web-series with these two robbers, I would watch. I’m excited to see what else the director is able to pull off along with the cast and crew.