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Savannah Meyer is a full-time actress. Her first time on a film set was in 2008 where she played an extra in High School Musical 3. This led her to discover her love of acting and the film/television industry as a whole. She has continued to train and move up in the industry throughout the years, landing lead and principal roles in feature films, short films, commercials, and music videos. When she isn’t on set, Savannah stays busy training with some of the best acting coaches in the country; both in Salt Lake City and Los Angeles.

What are some of the projects you have worked on in the last 12 months?

Two feature films, one of which is now on Amazon Prime Video, DVD, and will be on most streaming platforms in January of 2023. I’ve also worked on a handful of independent short films this year and have a few projects slated to begin production in the next few months.

Who is your favorite person on set?

I couldn’t possibly pick a favorite person on set. I genuinely love and appreciate every single person I have the privilege to work with. While we all have so many different responsibilities, we are all individually such important pieces of an ever evolving puzzle. With even one missing piece, everything would fall apart. I have always make it a point to appreciate and respect those around me, regardless of their title.

What project have you worked on that made you a better professional?

Algea: God of Pain, a horror feature film. The director, JD Allen, booked me directly for one of the lead roles. The script was grotesque and my character in particular made some very disturbing choices throughout. I was scared; I had never played a character like this before. It was a huge responsibility to take on a role like that and to tell the story truthfully, yet respectfully. I didn’t take the decision lightly and ultimately I accepted the role. I’m so glad I did. Eventually we all have to do things we’re scared of or intimidated by in order to really grow and develop. I trained extra hard and studied hours of footage from similar real-life cases to prepare myself. As soon as I stepped on set I had to live in a “darkness” and put ‘Savannah’ away to really embrace who I needed to become in some of those scenes. The cast and crew were also absolutely incredible at respecting my space and my decisions which helped me set a higher standard of personal expectations for future sets that I work on. Overall the experience shaped me into a better actor, and person in general.


What advice do you have for your fellow actors or for people interested in pursuing acting as a career?

I think if you’re drawn to this industry, in any capacity, you owe it to yourself to explore that curiosity. Don’t listen to the people that tell you it’s too hard/competitive/etc. Is it hard? Yes. Could you fail? Of course. Like any job, acting takes discipline, training, courage, etc. It’s not for everyone, that’s for sure. Pursuing an acting career is the most difficult thing I have ever done, but I wouldn’t change anything. When there’s something you really want, you’ll likely have to fight for it. Don’t quit, no matter how impossible it may seem. If a day comes when you truly feel like you can’t do it anymore and you’ve lost all hope, ask yourself something. Ten years from now, will you regret your decision? Will you wish you gave it just one more shot? I think you will. Keep at it. The ones who don’t give up, are often the ones who succeed.