Someone Else’s Shoes

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Whether you are rich, poor or just living an ordinary middle class person, we cannot help but wonder once in our life that what if I am in someone else’s shoes? This question has been raised even once in our life, the reason is comparison. This is the story on the short film created by director Joe Kessler with the film literally entitle “Someone Else’s Shoes”. It is a short inspirational film that you can play over and over again and realizing that it will give you different meaning and realization every time you watch and play it.

The actress played the role of a person wondering what if she is with someone else’s shoes. The story will evolve with this question and can tackle different aspects in life. The created output has become a powerful instrument with its simplicity and direct to the point film. It has a light approach and can calm every person who will watch it. The viewer’s attention is catch with its platform due to the peaceful settings and the director ensures that every person who will watch the film can reflect in peace about the things that is happening in their lives.

Short and concise, this is the attack of the storyline about this film. It did not insert any special effect rather it put good background music along with the strong message that the director want to impart on its audience. As you continue watching it, one phrase will keep you in silent and probably make you realize that you must stop comparing yourself to others. The phrase goes like this “Comparison is the thief of joy”. We can all agree that it is a powerful message that anyone should reflect and include it in their life. Generosity leads to abundance, this is another message that we can get from the movie. People should start living with this phrase and put them into life by practicing more of doing good to others.

We cannot always compare ourselves; we should be contented with the life that has been given to us. If there are things that is lacking in us, then it is an indication that we should strive hard to reach our dreams and fill in the emptiness that our life had. It is also advisable to everyone to stop and pause once in a while in our busy schedule, in this way we can reflect and re-assess the things that we do. Maybe we are already too high on the material things in life and we are already forgetting the values and good deeds that we must do to others.

The short inspiration film, although it is literally not that long is a quality kind of movie that is recommendable to every viewers. It will surely move every audience that will see the film and I can attest you that tears will fall after viewing it due to the self-reflection and inner peace it will impart to the viewers.