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A heart-warming film directed by Robin Wang gives its viewers something that can reflect much about the meaning of life, artificial intelligence, education and mortality. It is not your typical drama movie that you can see each day in the cinema. The movie itself has full of potentials and it can move the emotions of the audience when they start watching the film.

A.J. Laudenslager, the lead character of the movie plays his role on a top calibre giving the audience a performance that they will always remember. On the other side, the lead actress and supporting actor which was played by Ian Bowater and Morgan Fears brought the emotion into the movie. They played their character on the highest level that it deserves to be acknowledged. The movie even has this slight indication that it can have a sequel because the audience for sure will ask what will happen after the new professor have taken its place. Will there be a chapter 2? This is a question that the viewers will encounter after they have stayed and finished the film.

In the beginning of the story, we can see that the lead character is an old man dedicated to his craft of teaching. He makes sure that the entire thing related to education is perfected and imparted to his students. Then the time comes that he incurred an illness that disabled him in doing his work. The school even advised him to take a retirement but he refused. On the latter part, the twist of the story will take place, his former students who are looking for him will go to school only to find out that the teacher is no longer there and there is this mysterious woman who has taken his place.

The part wherein the artificial intelligence will take place will leave the viewers in awe. It is the moment where things will really get exciting and that makes this movie a quality one. The director strictly indicated that there will be a life lesson that we can grasp from the film. As we all know, working properly is good, dedicating our life is better, but still we need to have our limitation so that we can give time to other parts of our lives. We can never let work eat all our time as it will bounce back to us by getting sick or our loved ones will be left behind. This thing can be evidently seen in the movie and for sure the emotions of the viewers will be mixed.

The film which was created with pure heart and brain deserves to be given an honour. I can say that viewers should not let go of the chance in seeing the movie. It is an excellent film which the audience can relate to their own lives. The whole cast including the director has assured their target audience that they have made their assignment s regarding the film and that is the key why the outcome has become a quality one.