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“The High Road” explores the true meaning of the phrase “faith in every footstep.” Follow the true story of James Kirkwood when he must take his younger brother Joseph across the plains to the next pioneer camp. Before the film even starts you can tell it’s going to be a heartbreaking story filled with emotion and tenderness. We watch as two young boys travers a frozen wasteland, leaving behind their beloved mother, in search of hope and salvation. Margaret Kirkwood was a Church convert from Scotland who came to America in 1856 to join the Saints in Utah. She brought her young sons with her. This is their story.

“If you stop you’ll freeze. If you freeze, you’ll die. And I don’t want you to die.” The two young boys must part with their mother after listening to her harrowing words. James promises to take care of Joseph as they make their way travelling fifteen miles during an awful blizzard, through biting cold, through night and fog. Joseph struggles to keep up. James is a responsible and kind older brother guiding young Joseph through the elements and navigating through their faith. They are tired, cold, and hungry. They face death by hypothermia constantly. But James keeps up the positivity using his imagination with heartfelt stories and uplifting words. He does his best to distract little Joseph from their struggle. Joseph is named after the biblical Joseph and the Mormon Prophet Joseph Smith. James wants him to be able to live and make it to Zion so that he can continue the legacy of his name.

It is difficult to watch them make it through their journey. You’re constantly wondering if they’re going to make it, if the film is a story about life or death. Clinging to hope is all you can do, just as James must do. There is something about how hope bringing a sense of comfort to your soul despite your surroundings. James never loses the sense of it throughout the film.

David Devilliers debuts as James Kirkwood, and Christian Ganiere as Joseph Kirkwood. John Lyde both directed and produced this heart-filled story written by Joshua Michael French. Everything about the film was really well put together. From the amazing score to the acting to the beautiful editing. You are ardently drawn to know what will befall the two boys. It’s truly an emotional story.