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Tonight, it’s either I won’t be able to sleep, or I’ll be having disturbing nightmares all evening. I bet you are all wondering why? Fernando Paez’s “The Resonance” is the reason behind all my frightful imaginations. After reading this screenplay, it was so good that I froze and I can’t get it off my mind. It seems like Cranston Barnett has taken over my head. I can’t stop thinking of what will happen next and what is the real story behind the wickedly disturbing Cranston Barnett. I have read tons of screenplays, specifically the horror ones, but I dare must say that out of all of them “The Resonance” is the most gripping and extremely horrifying. If you don’t believe me just yet, I guarantee you, my readers, that you’ll be craving to see this screenplay on the big screen halfway through this review. So, if you are ready for the fright fest of your life, lets venture into this insanely fearsome world that Fernando Paez created.

Let’s start by imagining. What are your deepest darkest nightmares? Does it include getting trapped alone in a haunted house in the middle of nowhere? Mass murder? Watching people burn alive? Be burned alive? Get chased by a psychopath with extraordinary super abilities or maybe get haunted by an unfortunate event on your past that doesn’t have closure? I bet that checks the mark on your list because it did a hefty on mine.

You see the story involve sisters Melanie and Susan, a psychopath Cranston Barnett, an asylum, Bramfield, a police officer Jesse Torres, and a house on the hill. Melanie is an award-winning actress. On her way to a movie shoot, she decided to make a quick stop to Bramfield to check if she can find herself answers as well as a closure of her past. Instead of finding inner peace, she found herself lost in the middle of a downpour, with a broken car, dead phone, and an inviting hill house down the road. Susan, who got a call from Melanie before her phone declined began to worry about her sister. Aside from receiving a call the following morning that her sister never made it to the movie set which is so unlike her. Susan also received a strange call seemingly coming from the depths of hell, hearing disturbing voices including her sister’s screaming for help. Hurried to her sister’s call for help Susan traveled all the way from Los Angeles to Calistoga in search of Melanie. Calistoga a small town shaken of a movie star’s disappearance took the issue as an act of another actress trying to get publicity, and Susan didn’t have the help she seeks from the sheriff. Good thing Officer Jesse Torres decided to help Susan upon hearing the last places of Melanie’s whereabouts. The first thing to do to find someone missing, they have to start at Melanie’s last stop, Billie Jean’s Coffee Shoppe. This is as far as I can spill my friends. What they find out in the location, who is Cranston Barnett or if they ever find Melanie is something I will never tell. But one thing is for sure it is the start of a quest that changes their lives forever.

The Resonance is by far the best read I have this year. I like the haunting and disturbing experience it made me feel throughout reading it. I was able to visualize every scene, including those unthinkable ones that I’d regularly pass on when watching horror films. I am pretty sure it will be a scream fest and an incredibly heart-stopping horror movie once it gets on the big screen. Looking forward to it, Cheers!