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“The Wolf” is a nice satire on human behavior. It revolves around a “fixer” for social media in order to look more appealing to a wider audience. It uses a lot of humor to convey what is needed to be said. The overall product has a lot of funny moments that can make the audience laugh at how absurd the whole situation of the family is or even relate to the fixer, aka “The Wolf”, as you almost feel bad she has to put with a bunch of horrid scenarios.

So, this short film is really straightforward. It opens on The Wolf giving her assistant a pep talk right before they go in and fix a new family up. We automatically get a sense of who she is and what she’s really all about. The way the filmmakers really build her reputation is believable and she’s actually semi-convincing at first. After she gives her assistant the pep talk, she’s then introduced to the family; which proves to be more of a mess than The Wolf would have expected. We have the Mom, who posts everything she’s doing; the Son, who is the stereotypical teenage boy; the Daughter, the youngest child who shows sociopathic tendencies; and the Dad, who may or may not (but most likely is) racist due his facebook posts. As you can imagine, this would be a pain to try and fix up. That doesn’t stop The Wolf though. Quite the contrary, actually. She instead takes it head on and really proves to the family just how good she is…

I’m always down to watch satire on human behavior. There’s something about how absurd it is that makes it downright entertaining to watch. I’d be lying – we all would be lying – if it was said that we’ve never seen the type of behavior presented. It’s almost always entertaining to relate each type of behavior to people we actually know. What makes this film work is how oblivious the family The Wolf help is to each other. They don’t question how dumb or unhealthy they are or how their behavior reflects impressions on their family. There are countless people on social media who succumb to that category or who could even use a “fixer” themselves.

Another thing this short film accomplishes is showing full of themselves an individual can be. Each character in this short film is heavily flawed and nobody is better than the other. I think it’s funny how it’s portrayed that The Wolf is somehow higher up in terms of social status than the family only because we hear how confident she is in her work as well as how many flaws she notices in the family… That’s not to say she’s not at fault of some things, however, as she’s really stern, strict, and high maintenance over social status than she is about other human beings, including herself and her assistant.

The humor in this felt fit seeing as how it’s purposely over the top and meant to be a commentary on current trends found on social media websites. I laughed at some parts and I cringed at others seeing as how relatable they were in regards of seeing similar behavior on my on facebook or twitter or whatever have you. If you like satire, then check this out. The different behavior the family presents is fun to witness and you’ll learn to like some more than others even though you’d really just want to avoid these kind of people like the plague in real life.