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Animation with inspiration; this is what you will get when you watch the film made by Jenna Howard entitled “ Tools of the Trade”. The short animation film is bursting with values, motivation and emotions that will certainly make you ponder of all the blessings that you have in life. If for a moment there are instances that you feel down, then this short film is something that will bring back the self-confidence in you.

Antonio, the young man who has bird wings on his arm makes a good character in the film. The animator did a good job because the character is well played and the viewer can actually feel the sincerity and the message that the director wants to impart.

The story can touch different kinds of film viewers such as adults, teens and children. As the story evolves, there are points to ponder and that will make the movie viewers become more interested with the film. It will make them become more emotional and connect the movie to their own personal lives. The swift reflection of the character and the dramatic emotions concerning self-worth was very well integrated in the film. With it, we can say that the short animated film is not just your standard one, but rather it is a well-rounded creation with a touch in the heart of every viewer.

The animation along with the story will not just make you emotionally attached throughout the movie, but it will also give you thoughts to ponder mainly about the things that you do in your life. The inspiration and motivation that was engaged in the film is very effective and will make viewers want to have a self-assessment which will actually create an impact in their life and way of thinking. The Tools of the Trade is not just your ordinary animated film. It is made as a medium or tool to transpire the inspirational message to viewers about loving oneself and enhancing what you have in life.

This short movie is also jam-packed with comedy, rage and failing and self-realization. With it, the director clearly shows that in every failure there are lessons to learn. Opportunity also knocks when a person is down and frustrated. It is just a matter of how you see and use that chance given in order to get back on track. The humor that is inserted in the film makes it light and as the film rolls, we can expect that good smile in every viewer will be visible.

To sum it all up, I can say that the Tools of the Trade, a short animated film is a good choice for movie viewers to see. It is recommended to all walks of life to watch the film for there are lots of things that we can learn from it even though it is just a short film. With is motivation and inspirational theme, overall, I can say that short animated film made by Jenna Howard is a must watch for all movie viewers.