Where Have All The Flower Gone

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Reality hurts, reality bites, rich becoming richer, poor ones becoming a slave. These are some of the features that we can see in the short animated movie “Where Have The Flowers Gone”. It is a well created film by director Sing-hong Chang . He incorporated all the past, present and probably future sickness of our society. It is one situation that for a long time that is needed to be treated but maybe far from getting done.

The pig as the main character is a good representation in the film. It clearly shows that he wants what is best for his family, and in order to do that he needs to get out and work far from them. The work in the factory is the same routine every day. The owner of the administrator kept telling them wrong motivation and turns out to be lie. Working every day of their lives is a bit heavy for they are never paid equally.

Money is clearly seen as the root of all, and I did not say of all evil because there are instances that we need to come up with money for a good reason. Moving forward, most of us in real life try so hard every day to come up with an enough resources just to survive our daily needs. There are even times that we over work and we already don’t care about our situation. Due to this incident, most of the time we encounter sickness in different ways like sickness in health, mentally, physically and spiritually. This is the time that we abuse ourselves just to have the needs and wants of the earthly life.

Wrong motivation is another serious matter that the director has shown in the movie. Like in real life there are many wrong motivations or reasons that people come up to just to produce what they want. Most of the time greediness is the main reason, and because of it many lives are going on the bad road and sometime it don’t end well for them. One key to overcoming all these is that man should have a satisfaction in life, power, money and other forms of unethical values should be regularized. Anything that is too much on all things is bad, that also goes vice versa. Man should find a way to have a better life but not sacrificing the main reason behind it all.

I must say with high note that the short animated film “Where Have the Flowers Gone” is a brilliant movie. It is exceptional to all other short films that we have nowadays. It tackles the truth and everybody deserves to be awakened about the real score of our society at present. We cannot let this sickness to be once again handed down to the next generation. Viewers who will watch the film should encourage others to do what is right just so that our world will be a better place to live in.