A Tale of Creativity, Coffee, and Cosmic Choices in “SOLIPSISM”

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In a moment of creative inspiration, Duncan Putney, the screenwriter of the unproduced screenplay “Solipsism,” shared the origins of his narrative. The story sparked during a casual moment of contemplation and caffeine consumption.

“Solipsism,” is a tale of a surgeon thrust into a cosmic dilemma, where the fate of one man holds the key to the existence of all.

“I was thinking about the term ‘Solipsism,’ drinking coffee and was talking with my fiancée, Chelsea, when I wondered: what if there really was one person that all of existence depended upon,” Duncan mused. The initial burst of creativity led him to craft the first rough draft of the short screenplay in a half-hour. However, the journey didn’t end there; numerous rewrites followed, accompanied by notes on the potential transformation of the story into a feature screenplay or a captivating series pilot.

For those aspiring to step into the film space, Duncan Putney offered valuable advice born from his own experiences. “Network and find people that you love creating film as much as you do,” he emphasized. Drawing from past endeavors, he urged filmmakers to prioritize meticulous pre-production planning, steering clear of the temptation to “wing it.” According to Duncan, solving the unexpected problems that inevitably arise during film production requires a creative mindset. Addressing the expected challenges beforehand allows filmmakers the time and space to devise inventive solutions when the unforeseen occurs.

“Film production is about being creative enough to solve the unexpected problems that arise, and those creative solutions you come up with can often make for a better film,” Duncan reflected. His counsel extended beyond the technical aspects, encouraging filmmakers to savor the journey and relish the moments of joy in doing what they love.

As for the future projects in the pipeline, Duncan directed enthusiasts to their company website at OCDA.biz, inviting them to explore and stay tuned for updates.

“SOLIPSISM” is an official selection in the Utah International Film Festival taking place February 12-17.