The Four Of Us Are Dying: Jesse Dorian’s Desert Odyssey
Jesse Dorian's recent screenplay "The Four Of Us Are Dying" transports us to the American Southwest, where desolation stretches for...
Jesse Dorian's recent screenplay "The Four Of Us Are Dying" transports us to the American Southwest, where desolation stretches for...
You never know when inspiration will hit. For Steven Bartholomew, he came up with his latest movie idea for "Still"...
Echoes of ancient civilizations resonate through the cobblestone streets in the documentary "Qosqo" unveiling the untold story of Norma Sanchez...
In the late 1800s, an Englishman named James Wickham attempting to introduce whales to the Great Salt Lake. The story,...
Levi Hintermeister, co-director and writer, and Harsh Gupta, the lead character and producer, joined forces to create "Raj," a short...
After the curtain fell on the Utah Film Festival in 2023, Kayden Corbett and Leon Clayton, inspired by the event,...
Aidan Kiyashka's latest film, "Steady Hands," emerged from a deeply personal place, inspired by the life of a family friend...
"Intruder" is a suspenseful narrative and minimalist approach. The film, directed and written by Travis Hunter, weaves a chilling story...
In the quiet city of Provo, Utah, where the "Provo bubble" is as much a joke as it is a...
"Do You See Me?" follows the remarkable journey of blind musician Kyle Woodruff, defying stereotypes and leaving an indelible mark...
Seeking to explore the universal theme of grief, ”Hold You Down" is an artistic endeavor originating from the heart-wrenching experience...
Jeanette Campbell screenplay"Good Deeds" weaves a complex web of a good man thrust into an unexpected and challenging situation, where...
Jeanette Campbell found inspiration in the growing homeless population during her visit to the iconic location of Venice Beach in...
"Gideon Up!" Is an impromptu comedic short film with Shane Morrisun and Travis Hunter, whose collaboration brought about a lighthearted...
"Love, Grandma," is a deeply personal short film that captures the essence of Matt Spear's experience with his grandmother in...
The stop-motion animation music video for the song 'Tell Me Where To Go,' directed by musician and independent artist Peter...
In the quiet beauty of Echo Reservoir in Utah independent artist Kylanne immersed herself in the creation of her latest...
In the eerie silence of a waking nightmare, Jared finds himself bound and alone, desperately seeking an escape from the...
In Utah lies Bears Ears, a region of profound beauty, ancient history, and a current battle for conservation. The documentary...
"Another," a psychological thriller, takes audiences on a gripping journey through Lilah's internal battles with mental health, portraying the struggle...
In the heart of Colorado State University's foothill campus, a groundbreaking event at the Temple Grandin Equine Center marked the...