“Out to Lunch” Takes a Darkly Comedic and Vigilante Twist
"Out to Lunch" is set to make waves with its unique blend of dark comedy, self-discovery, and vigilante justice. The...
"Out to Lunch" is set to make waves with its unique blend of dark comedy, self-discovery, and vigilante justice. The...
In the quiet embrace of her childhood home in New Hampshire, filmmaker Mary Rhymer embarked on a journey, capturing the...
The Utah International Film Festival is set to showcase a tale of the Wild West in "The Ballad of the...
In the midst of the global chaos caused by the 2020 Coronavirus pandemic, filmmaker David Hartstone found solace and inspiration...
In a dystopian future where an authoritarian dictator tightens control over 'non-traditional relationships,' the power of true love fights back...
"A Ray of Hope” written by Maria K. Singh, portrays the resilience and strength of a father's love in the...
In an exploration of the largely unknown career of jazz sensation Carol Sloane, the documentary "Sloane: A Jazz Singer" takes...
"Sanctus Infernal" originated from a unique source – a Hypnagogia session experienced by Paravalos right before deep sleep. The film...
In an exploration of human resilience and the relentless fight against adversity, the animated short film "Above Ground" emerges as...
In the summer of 2003 nestled in the quaint landscapes of rural Montana rests the backdrop of "Scraps" a short...
Filmmaker Devin G. Squire’s short film “Replay,” a chilling tale of redemption, is an official selection at the upcoming Utah...
As a heartfelt tribute to the dwindling beauty of the Great Salt Lake, a group of twenty poets gathered on...
In a bustling park a bronze statue stands tall radiating strength and inspiration to passersby. Little do they know, behind...
In a poignant exploration of immigration and the pursuit of the American Dream, the short screenplay "Paper Son and Little...
In an exclusive interview with Masha Ellsworth, the director, producer, and writer behind the animated short film "Little t," we...
Directed, written, edited, and show-run by Sabrina Yum-Shuster, "non grata" offers a fresh perspective on Jude Lavine, the seemingly perfect...
Ashley Coles was able to take a few minutes and give us an exclusive interview about her latest screenplay"Good News...
We recently had an exclusive interview with Tara Berrett, the writer of the short screenplay "I'll Never Forget.” The story...
"Seeing Kelly" takes audiences on an emotional journey through the challenges of caregiving, temptation, and the resilience of a young...
In Ottawa, Canada, the grand Hotel Château Laurier becomes more than just a backdrop; it's the stage for the captivating...
We recently interviewed director Jacob Gusentine about his journey making his short film, "Near." The film unravels the complexities of...