Love on a Lift in ‘Fleeting (Back in Time)’

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The elevator doors slide open, revealing a scene that transcends time and space. Two figures, enveloped in a whirlwind of emotions, stand face to face. This is not just any encounter; it’s a reunion of souls entangled in the intricate dance of love and loss. This is “Fleeting (Back in Time),” a mesmerizing music video directed by Derek Romrell that captures the essence of a relationship within the confines of an elevator.

Romrell recounts, “Dave and I knew we wanted to do a music video together, and we had an elevator prop sitting in my garage from To Err. So alongside Jordan Roper and Joseph Kitchens, we devised an entire story in an elevator.” Inspiration struck when Romrell discussed ideas with his wife and her cousin, leading to the concept of depicting the entirety of a relationship within a single space, emphasizing the theme of going “Back in Time.”

Despite the challenges of a no-budget production, Romrell enjoys the creative process. “I loved seeing how much we pulled together with next to nothing,” he shares. The garage setting posed logistical hurdles, compounded by the unforeseen obstacle of having a sick family on the day of shooting. However, with meticulous planning and the leadership of AD Kade Atwood, the team powered through a demanding 12-hour shoot.

Looking back Romrell pondered potential changes, noting a scene involving a “meeting in the rain” that ultimately didn’t align with the narrative. “If given the same restraints as a day shoot, I would’ve cut that and inserted a few more scenes of these guys’ relationship,” said Romrell. Throughout the process, actors Sam and Dave’s chemistry shone, underscoring the authenticity of their performances.

Romrell offered some practical advice for aspiring filmmakers,: “Get to know film people who are much better than you. Be likable. Get on their sets. Start as a PA to become familiar with all the departments, then go and make your own stuff.” He emphasizes the importance of consistency and networking in building a career in the industry.

“Fleeting (Back in Time)” is an official selection in the Utah International Film Festival. Romrell invites audiences to stay updated on future projects through social media channels and his website. With a blend of passion, creativity, and perseverance, Romrell and his team have crafted a tale that transcends the limitations of space and time, inviting viewers to embark on a journey through the intricacies of love and longing, all within the confines of an elevator.