Six Shooters and Sorcerers: A Fusion of Western and Fantasy

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Welcome to a world where fairytale creatures roam the dusty streets of a small old-west town, as this unique tale unfolds in “Six Shooters and Sorcerers.” Screenwriter Robert Salisbury, inspired by a blend of childhood movie memories and a sudden burst of inspiration from Dragon Ball Z and the classic western “Tombstone,” brings forth a wild ride of unexpected encounters.

The story centers around a Clint Eastwood or John Wayne-esque Sheriff, tasked with maintaining order in a town teeming with orcs, elves, and wizards. In a refreshing twist on the conventional western duel, the Sheriff must prove he’s a force to be reckoned with, wielding both a six-shooter and the magic of sorcery. As if the fantastical setting isn’t challenging enough, the Sheriff faces the menacing Orc Money Mogul, a formidable adversary attempting to seize control of the town.

Salisbury’s creative journey evolved from a childhood fascination with monsters and cowboys, fueled by movies like “Valley of the Gwangi.” The screenplay marries elements of fantasy and westerns, creating a world where mythical creatures coexist with the rugged spirit of the old west.

The main character, a lovable Gary Sue reminiscent of iconic heroes like Goku or Superman, embodies the essence of fun and refuses to take itself too seriously. Salisbury’s dedication to crafting a genuine story, free from the shackles of fleeting trends, shines through as he emphasizes the importance of pursuing ideas that persistently linger in the mind.

The most enjoyable aspect of screenwriting for Salisbury lies in the exploration of imaginative worlds that spring from a simple “What if…?” He has previously ventured into scenarios involving special needs children in apocalyptic situations, engaged couples amid Armageddon, and horror movie monsters running for their lives. “Six Shooters and Sorcerers” adds another layer to his repertoire by envisioning an old-west world populated by fantasy creatures and exploring the dynamics between humans and magical beings.

With a commitment to storytelling that “Teaches, Delights, and Inspires,” Salisbury steers clear of graphic violence, explicit content, and politically divisive narratives. His preference leans towards family-friendly films with universal messages that endure over time.

For filmmakers interested in Salisbury’s work, “Six Shooters and Sorcerers” has been selected as an official entry for the Utah International Film Festival, scheduled from February 12-17. Salisbury welcomes collaboration and is open to discussions about optioning his screenplay or developing new projects. Filmmakers can reach out to him via his filmmaking email at